What is the xmlrpc.php file in WordPress.com and what does it do?

One important file on your WordPress.com blog is called xmlrpc.php.

Where is it found?

It is found at yoursite.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php. Replace mysite.wordpress.com with your site’s URL.

XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.

This is not an error. It is a statement saying that only POST requests can be sent. Sent? We will talk about this in a second.

The WordPress.com app for iOS and Android uses the xmlrpc.php file. In fact, this is crucial for the application to work.

A ‘request’ is what the program sends to the xmlrpc.php file. A POST request, mentioned earlier, is a request to post a WordPress blog post or page onto your blog.

You can use several xmlrpc coding libraries to post to your blog with code. As there are so many, I can’t give you documention for all of them.

I hope you now know about the usage of xmlrpc.php. If you have any questions or concerns, leave them below in the comments section.

Epic Chas Gamer 😎